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Changes in composition and abundance of quarry species of duck at Lake Koronia, Greece

Birtsas. P., O. Maslarinou, and C. Thomaides (2005). Changes in composition and abundance of quarry species of duck at Lake Koronia, Greece. In: Hadjisterkotis E. (ed.). Proceedings of the XXVth International Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists – I.U.G.B and the IXth International Symposium PERDIX. Ministry of the Interior, Nicosia. Pp. 144 – 150.


Lake Koronia is situated approc. 20 km east of Thessaloniki (northern Greece) and is listed as a Ramsar site. Hunting was prohibited in 1993. Over the past 10 years the water volume of the lake has reduced by 80 percent, mainly due to reduced rainfall and increasing water demand for irrigation of adjacent fields. Water depth is at 1-1,5 m and the fish fauna has almost become extinct. During the years 1997-2000, counts of game duck species have been conducted 6-7 times a year at regular intervals. Results show that there is a steady increase in the number of dabbling ducks, probably due to the constantly extending area of shallow water. The major peak in the number of ducks visiting the area is in September and October.

Key words: Anas, Aythya, ducks, waterfowl, migration, phenology, wetland

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